英语热词 | 2019年全国共完成造林706.7万公顷


China has made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2019 with the area of newly created forests totaling 7.067 million hectares, the report said.

这里的afforestation读作[əˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃn],是个名词,其英文解释为the process of planting large numbers of trees on land which has few or no trees on it,即“在原本树木稀少或者没有树木的土地上大量种树的过程”,也就是我们所说的“植树造林”,由此可见,这是一个人为绿化的过程。植树造林产生的森林一般称为“人工林(manmade forest)”,与之相对的“天然林”就是natural forest。

China also restored a total of 1.745 million hectares of degraded forests nationwide and improved 3.147 million hectares of degraded grasslands last year, according to the report.

公报称,2019年全民义务植树深入开展,“互联网+全民义务植树(internet plus public voluntary tree planting)”不断拓展,活动丰富多彩。

More than 500 million people have participated in a virtual tree planting project in the mobile payment app Alipay. A total of 39,000 hectares of trees had been planted last year via the project, it said.

此外,2019年草原生态保护修复(grassland ecological protection and restoration)力度加大,湿地保护修复(wetland protection and restoration)有效加强,沙区生态状况持续改善。全国完成防沙治沙(desertification control)任务226万公顷,荒漠化土地面积连续净减少。

2020年3月12日,是我国第42个全民植树节(National Tree Planting Day/Arbor Day)。


1981年12月13日, 第五届全国人民代表大会第四次会议讨论通过了《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》。这是新中国成立以来国家最高权力机关对绿化祖国作出的第一个重大决议。

  • 森林覆盖率
    forest coverage rate
  • 森林蓄积
    stock of forest
  • 重点公益林
    key non-commercial forest
  • 荒漠化防治
    prevention and control of desertification
  • 退耕还林还草
    turn marginal farmland to forests and grasslands
  • 生态补偿机制
    mechanism for ecological compensation
  • 耕地流失
    loss of arable land