英语漫画 | 特朗普:把全家一起关进笼里 Jailing Families Together


On Wednesday, President Donald Trump said in an executive order that he planned to keep families together by jailing parents and children together during their immigration hearings. Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingraham said the children were “temporarily being housed in what are essentially summer camps.” The children were, in fact, kept in fenced cages.

英语漫画 | 特朗普:把全家一起关进笼里 Jailing Families Together

周三,唐纳德·特朗普总统在一项行政命令中表示,他计划在移民听证会期间让受到监禁的父母和孩子团聚在一起。福克斯新闻频道(Fox News Channel)的萝拉·英格翰(Laura Ingraham)说,孩子们“暂时被安置在实质上是夏令营的地方”。实际上,孩子们是被关在了笼里。
