小词详解 | denomination
Fear is the denomination of the Old Testament; belief is the denomination of the New.
Fear is the denomination of the Old Testament; belief is the denomination of the New.
Habits are malleable throughout your entire life.
There is no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false; the second, to know that which is true.
Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.
对于基督教的信徒们而言, gospel 自然代表的是“绝对真理”或者说“无可置疑的事物”。
It is not to be imagined how far constancy will carry a man; however it is better walking slowly in a rugged way, than to break a leg and be a cripple.
Tarnish 源自中古法语 ternir (暗淡光泽或亮度、使暗淡),本义指“(使)失去光泽、暗淡”,尤指因为暴露在空气或湿气中而失去光泽,比如发乌的银烛台(tarnished silver candlesticks)。
The more we bestow the richer we become.
A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.
A man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales resistance.
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