英语口语 | 用Don't mention it表示“不用谢,别客气,不足挂齿”


今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:Don't mention it。这个口语表达是老外常用在别人道谢时的回答,是“不用谢,别客气,不足挂齿”的意思,相当于:You are welcome and your thanks are not necessary.


  • - You are so kind. Thanks for repairing my bike. I owe you one.
    - 你真好,谢谢你帮我修自行车,我欠你个人情了。
    - Well, don't mention it.
    - 别客气,这不足挂齿。
  • - I wanna tell you that he's kind of full of himself. You'd better stay away from that guy.
    - 我想告诉你他有些自以为是,你最好离他远点。
    - Thank you for your advice.
    - 谢谢你的忠告。
    - Don't mention it.
    - 不用客气。