英语热词 | 底线思维怎么说?


底线思维(Preparing for Worst-Case Scenarios),是一种思维技巧(way of thinking)。

英语热词 | 底线思维怎么说?-Preparing for Worst-Case Scenarios

拥有这种技巧的思想者会认真计算风险,估算可能出现的最坏情况(attaches great importance to risk assessment and contingency planning),并且接受这种情况。

十八大以来(Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in November 2012),习近平总书记多次强调,要坚持底线思维,不回避矛盾,不掩盖问题,凡事从坏处准备,努力争取最好的结果(reiterated the importance of preparing for adversity while striving to achieve the best possible results),做到有备无患、遇事不慌,牢牢把握主动权。当前,中国经济社会发展中各种结构性的深层次矛盾日益凸显(China's economic and social development is increasingly beset with various deep-seated structural problems),在全面深化改革进程中如何管控风险、守住底线( Against such a backdrop risk management and contingency planning),被认为是决定工作成败的前提。