

案件 Case
报酬/好处 Payment
笔录 Questioning Record, interrogation record
大使 Ambassador
大使馆 Embassy
领事 Consul
领事馆 Consulate

逮捕 Arrest
逮捕证 Certificate of Arrest
法庭 Court
海关 Customs
海关缉私分局 Anti-smuggling Bureau of XX Customs
护照 Passport
缉私 Anti-smuggling
缉私分局 Anti-smuggling bureau
缉私警察 Anti-smuggling police

吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
夹层 Layer
监视居住 Living under surveillance
监狱 Jail, prison
柬埔寨 Cambodia
检察院 Prosecution, Prosecution administration
检验报告 Test report
检验结果 Test result

胶囊 Capsule
警官 Officer
拘留证 Certificate of detaining
看守所 Temporary Detaining House(不是监狱,我们一般向他们解说说是临时关押,配合调查,以安抚情绪)
可卡因 Cocaine, Cocaine
联系人 Contact, contact person
旅差费 Traveling allowance
律师 Lawyer, attorney
马来西亚 Malaysia
缅甸 Burma, Myanmar

判决 Sentence
配合调查 Cooperate with the police for investigation
签证 Visa
审讯 Interrogate, interrogation
手提包 Hand bag
死刑 Sentence to death
通知 Notice, inform
刑法 Criminal Law

刑事诉讼法 Criminal Procedure Law
行李包 Bag
行李箱 Suitcase
询问 Questioning
询问笔录 Questioning record
讯问 Interrogate, interrogation
讯问笔录 Interrogation record

延长拘留证 Certificate for extending the detaining period
有期徒刑 Limited term of imprisonment
证据 Evidence, proof
中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 Criminal Procedure Law of PRC
走私 Smuggle, Smuggling

The above content has been interpreted into English and read aloud to me and I fully understand the same.

The above interrogation record of pages has been interpreted into English and read aloud to me and is the same as what I said.

This is the true and correct copy of my passport.