英语热词 | 消费降级说法引发热议 consumption downgrading


There is heated discussion online as to whether China is experiencing a consumption downgrading. Some figures do suggest that retail products with lower prices are making a comeback. But it is far from the whole truth.

近段时间以来,"消费降级(consumption downgrading)"引发社会热议。有网友称由于家庭收支压力大(household budgets are under pressure),不得不减少消费(spending is being reduced),价格成为选购产品时的决定性因素:购物拼多多、中午吃榨菜、出门靠摩拜。还有人找到了所谓"消费降级"的更多佐证:榨菜(pickle)、便宜白酒(cheap baijiu)以及方便面(instant noodles)的销量均在上升。

英语热词 | 消费降级说法引发热议 consumption downgrading

事实果真如此吗?专家认为,我国不仅没有消费降级,恰恰相反,是在消费升级(consumption upgrading)。根据统计数据,我国居民的商品支出减少,但服务支出增加(less spending on products and more on services)。几年前,吃美食、穿名牌给国人带来最大满足(bring the most satisfaction to people in China),但如今国人愿意将更多的钱花在娱乐、教育和旅游等方面。对于低价产品(products with lower prices)的选择是公众消费理念(consumption concept)提升与消费心理(consumer psychology)成熟的重要表现。

  • 扩大内需 expand domestic demand
  • 消费机制 consumption mechanism
  • 优化消费结构 optimize the consumption structure
  • 个性化消费 personalized consumption
  • 多样化的消费诉求 diversified consumption demands