“裸婚”的常见译法为naked marriage,比如:

西方媒体使用naked marriage的例子极少,查到《基督教箴言报》的一则用法:
将中文的“裸”直接译为naked的问题在于naked并没有“裸婚”中“裸”的真实含义。字典中“裸”字的解释中并没有适用于“裸婚”的,也就是说“裸婚”中的“裸”已经不是常见的“裸”,而是基于“裸”字基本含义上的一种比喻,表达一种抽象的、特指物质层面上的“赤裸”。Naked除了“裸体”外也有抽象用法,但naked基于“裸体”的抽象用法与“裸婚”中“裸”的用法不同——用于抽象含义时,naked常见释义为devoid of concealment or disguise,即没有掩饰的“赤裸”,而非经济条件上的“赤裸”。“亚马逊”网站上查到一本英文书就叫《Naked Marriage》,介绍中有这样的文字:
Because many people don’t understand what marriage is and could be, they hide from each other. To keep the peace, they continue the charades, each spouse reluctantly believing, “I guess this is just how it’s supposed to be.” Consequently, they refuse to get naked with each other in all of that word’s scary yet glorious permutations: emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Naked Marriage encourages you to find yourself and fully reveal yourself, so you and your marriage can become fully alive.
这里的naked就是devoid of concealment or disguise的意思。
因此,正确翻译“裸婚”需要把握“裸”到底指的是什么。“裸婚”的本质即简单、基础,想到英文表达bare-bones。根据《韦氏词典》,其意思为:including only what is most basic or necessary。
My dream wedding was a bare-bones affair. After four years of dating, my fiancé, Mike, and I exchanged vows in a courtroom 14 floors above his office last April. His boss, a prominent judge, officiated. Only our immediate families and my two best friends were in attendance. I didn’t even carry a bouquet. When the 10-minute ceremony was over, we snapped a few photos before we dined at a farm-to-table restaurant across the street.
《What to Know About Having a Microwedding》
这篇文章的标题让人眼前一亮:这段话描述的microwedding和“裸婚”的相似度极高。考虑到“裸婚”还有一些中国特色在里面,比如涉及房子、车子等财产,而且“裸婚”的简单程度也超过了一般的microwedding,因此或可将其译为Chinese microwedding,定义上有舒展的空间。
最后提一下“裸辞”。将其译为naked resignation肯定也有问题。翻译“裸辞”只需将其含义翻译出来。把下面这个文章的题目中having another job改为having found another job就可以用来翻译“裸辞”:
另外,“裸辞”还可译为quit without a back-up plan,即没有备用方案就辞职。