英语热词 | 广东立法禁止高铁霸座 refuse to move after taking other people's seats


From December, high-speed train passengers in Guangdong province who refuse to move after taking other people's seats will face fines ranging from 500 to 2,000 yuan, according to a new regulation.

英语热词 | 广东立法禁止高铁霸座 refuse to move after taking other people's seats

近日,广东省人大常委会会议审议通过《广东省铁路安全管理条例》。该条例规定,高铁乘客均需对号入座(take their seats according to their seat numbers),对于“霸座(refuse to vacate other people's seats)”行为,铁路工作人员和乘警有权进行罚款处罚。

条例还规定,铁路运输企业应当按照规定建立健全铁路旅客信用信息管理制度(credit information management system),对扰乱铁路运输秩序且危及铁路安全、造成严重社会不良影响,以及严重违反铁路运输安全管理规章制度的失信行为进行记录(keep a record of behaviors that may disturb railway transportation order and safety, have negative impact and seriously violate railway safety rules and regulations),并按照规定推送全国和地方信用信息共享平台(publish on national and regional credit information sharing platforms)。有关部门和铁路运输企业应当依法对失信行为实施联合惩戒。

  • 餐车 food trolley
  • 餐车车厢 dining carriage
  • 行李架 baggage storage
  • 坐席 seat
  • 卧铺 sleeper
  • 商务座席 business seat
  • 一等座 first class seat
  • 二等座 second class seat