图说英语词汇 | 9个与技术相关的英语习语


图说英语词汇 | 9个与技术相关的英语习语

Have a Screw Loose
Be slightly unbalanced or crazy

  • That guy on the corner must have a screw loose or something, because he's been standing out there yelling obscenities at passersby all morning.

By Hook or by Crook
By some possibly dishonest means

  • I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook.

Chop Chop
Quickly, without delay

  • This is a major client, so I need the report done right now, chop chop!

Grease Monkey
A mechanic, especially an auto mechanic

  • My parents were of course concerned when I decided to drop out of high school and become a grease monkey, but I love my job!

Grease the Wheels
Do something to make an operation run smoothly

  • More investment is needed to grease the wheels of reform.

Hold the Phone
Wait a moment

  • Whoa, hold the phone—Jack and Jamie are dating now?

Nuts and Bolts
Everyday detail of something

  • We came up with a lot of big ideas, but no one addressed the nuts and bolts of how to implement them.

Pull the Plug On
Terminate (something)

  • The new president pulled the plug on several of his predecessor's programs as soon as he took office.

Run into a Buzz Saw
Encounter severe and unexpected problems

  • The bill ran into a buzz saw of opposition from labor groups after it was introduced, and it finally died in committee.