图说英语词汇 | 9个与武器兵器相关的英语习语


图说英语词汇 | 9个与武器兵器相关的英语习语

Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight
Underequipped or unprepared

  • If you haven't studied law, representing yourself in court is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Smoking Gun
Indisputable evidence of a crime

  • The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.

Dead Eye
A good shooter, a good marksman

  • The sniper's a dead eye, he got me again.

Straight Arrow
An honest, trustworthy person

  • Friends described Menendez as a straight arrow who rarely drank and was close to his family.

Fall on One’s Sword
To accept blame; to sacrifice oneself

  • After more than 30 years with the Australian Taxation Office — in a career recently described as “illustrious” by its chief — deputy ­commissioner Michael Cranston fell on his sword yesterday and ­resigned.

Go Nuclear
Use an extreme measure; because extremely angry
使用极端措施; 因为非常生气

  • There was nothing I could do. I had to go nuclear.

Sword of Damocles
Something that causes a feeling of constant threat.

  • The threat of a cut in funding is hanging over the Opera House like a sword of Damocles.

Jump the Gun
Start doing something too soon

  • They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?

Twist/Turn the Knife (in Deeper)
Make someone’s suffering worse

  • Just to turn the knife a little, he told me he'd seen my old girlfriend with her new man.