图说英语词汇 | 9个与赌博相关的英语习语


图说英语词汇 | 9个与赌博相关的英语习语

Down to the Wire
(Be uncertain) all the way to the last minute

  • I think the election will go right down to the wire (= be won at the last moment).

Play the Ponies
Bet on horse racing

  • I used to play the ponies every afternoon during the summer.

Ace in the Hole (also an ace up your sleeve)
A hidden advantage

  • Tom seems awfully confident. He must have an ace in the hole.

All the Marbles
The entire prize or reward

  • Somehow Fred always seems to end up with all the marbles. I don't think he plays fair.

Break the Bank
Exhaust one’s financial resources

  • These are the diseases that break the bank. In some developing countries, treatment for diabetes alone consumes 15% of the entire national health budget.

Have an Ace Up One’s Sleeve (also have an ace in the Hole)
To have a hidden advantage

  • The manager has an ace up her sleeve. She'll surprise us with it later.

In the Cards
Likely; likely to occur

  • "So you think they'll get married next year?" "I think it's in the cards."

Roll the Dice On
Take a risk

  • Maybe it's time to roll the dice on home prices--with a bet on a price decline.

Show Your Cards
Reveal your resources or plans

  • If you do have the sincerity to do business with us, please show me your cards and put them on the table.