英语热词 | 五险一金建黑名单制度 blacklist system


China will introduce a blacklist system to ensure implementation of its policy on social insurance funds, according to a draft by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

英语热词 | 五险一金建黑名单制度 blacklist system

我国的社保制度(social insurance system)由"五险一金"组成。"五险"指的是五种强制保险计划(five mandatory insurance plans):养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),"一金"指的是住房公积金(housing provident fund)。

根据意见稿的规定,个人或用人单位如被发现有未参加社会保险(failure to pay social insurance)、伪造证明材料骗取社会保险待遇(social insurance fraud through forgery of certification materials)、非法出售社会保险相关个人数据(illegally sell personal data related to social insurance)等不端行为(misconduct),将被有关部门列入黑名单(be blacklisted by authorities)。被列入社会信用黑名单的个人和用人单位将面临交通出行、招投标(bidding)、申请生产许可(production license)、融资贷款(financing loans)、市场许可(market access)和税收优惠(tax preference)等多方面的限制。

中国社科院世界社保研究中心社保研究员张盈华表示,这种黑名单机制(blacklist system)具有震慑力,能让违反者付出信用代价,有助于保证公平公正(ensure fairness and justice)。她认为,用人单位要认识到按时足额缴费(pay in full and on time)是对职工权益的保障(protect the rights and interests of employees),是企业应尽的社会责任。同时,政府也应做好减税降负(ease burden of taxes and fees),让守法企业有长久生存和发展的好环境。

  • 相互保险 mutual insurance
  • 人寿保险 life insurance
  • 社会保险法 Social Insurance Law
  • 医疗支付系统 medical payment system
  • 养老金投资 pension funds investment
  • 行政处罚 administrative punishment