英语热词 | 双11进入生物支付时代 bio-payment


As high as 60.3% of payments made via Alibaba's T-mall and Taobao during the recent Singles Day shopping frenzy were verified by users scanning their fingerprints or faces instead of entering passwords, according to the e-commerce giant. Bio-payments are gradually replacing passwords to become the primary means of payment in future.

英语热词 | 双11进入生物支付时代 bio-payment

今年是第10个天猫"双11"购物节(Singles Day shopping spree),根据阿里巴巴公布的数据,今年天猫双11总成交额达到了2135亿元(the gross value of merchandise sold hit 213.5 billion yuan),远超去年的1682亿元,创造了中国乃至全球商业的新传奇。

除了总成交额,2018年天猫双11还刷新多项纪录(smash/break several records):仅用2分5秒的时间,天猫销售额便突破100亿元大关(cross the 10 billion-yuan threshold);截至22点,共有210个品牌成交额过亿,远超去年双11全天167家品牌进入"亿元俱乐部"的水平;物流订单(logistics order)于23点18分09秒突破10亿,宣告10亿包裹时代的到来。

来自支付宝的数据显示,指纹和刷脸支付(fingerprint payment and face scan payment)首次成为"双11"主流,生物支付(bio-payment)时代到来。双11当天,天猫和淘宝平台上通过生物信息完成支付的占比高达60.3%,相当于每10笔支付就有6笔是通过指纹和刷脸完成。生物识别(biological recognition)如今已渐渐替代密码支付成为一大支付趋势。数据显示,目前用户对生物识别类支付方式的满意度超过95%。

  • 剁手党 shopaholics
  • 购物狂欢 shopping spree
  • 大减价 slash prices
  • 限时优惠 limited time offer
  • 熬到最后一刻才出手的购物者 last-minute shopper