美国习惯用语 | flotsam and jetsam

上个礼拜我帮一个好朋友搬家,结果发现她家有好多我认为没什么用的东西,什么大学时候的笔记本啊,书啊,还有看起来她好久都没穿过的衣服。我问她这些笔记本里是不是有很多珍贵资料,但她说,其实里面都是一些:flotsam and jetsam。


大家可能猜到了,flotsam and jetsam,连起来就是“没有价值的物品”。

就像上面的例子中,在我朋友的大学笔记本里, 里面没有什么重要信息,全都没什么用。

  • There wasn't any important information written down, it was all flotsam and jetsam.


  • After my grandfather died, I went to clean out his garage. I found piles of yellowed newspapers and magazines, empty bottles, pieces of used furniture, and broken tools and sports equipment. There was nothing of any value. It was nothing more than flotsam and jetsam.


  • I clean my closet once a year, and there are always some flotsam and jetsam.

flotsam and jetsam这个短语,除了指没有价值的物品以外,还有另外一个意思,就是“不受重视的人”。


  • Citizens who want more upscale living areas have been pleading with the City Council. They want to see more of the poorer neighborhoods redeveloped. They're tired of seeing homeless people wandering around. To them, such flotsam and jetsam needs to be removed.


  • He believed it was time to pay greater attention to the flotsam and jetsam. And, truthfully, it is those struggling students that need more help.