美国习惯用语 | explain away


我记得一个月前,我们办公室来了一位新同事。但是最近一直没看见她。问了其他同事才知道,她被炒鱿鱼了!原来是,她工作拖拉,而且还推辞说是因为自己患有维他命缺乏症。公司最终还是决定开除她。这也让我想到一句习惯用语,那就是:explain away。

explain是“解释”的意思,explain away就是“搪塞,辩解”的意思。上面的例子里,我的同事显然试图用缺少维他命来为她的工作效率低下做辩解:

  • In the end, that excuse couldn't explain away her inefficiency at work.


  • Are you having trouble finding employment because of gaps in your resume? Rather than explaining away why you were laid off or took time off, consider being honest. Let employers know why you lost your job or needed to stop working to raise a family or tend to a sick relative. Often a good reason will help you get hired again.


  • Rather than explaining away why you didn't finish the work, you should just go ahead and let your boss know what you don't understand.


  • The daycare worker asked the mom how her child had gotten such a terrible bruise. She said he'd fallen out of bed. But that didn't explain away some of the other marks found on his body. When investigators determined he'd been beaten by his mother, she stopped trying to invent reasons for her son's injuries.


  • Be suspicious when someone's trying to explain away a cause of concern, you may be saving a life!