英语热词 | 美联储年内第四次加息 rate hike


rate hike

英语热词 | 美联储年内第四次加息 rate hike

The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday and said it was keeping the core of its plan to tighten monetary policy intact even as central bank officials said they would likely slow the pace of further rate increases next year.

美联储官员一致决定,将联邦基金利率目标区间再上调25个基点(lift the target range for the federal funds rate by another quarter point),至2.25%-2.5%。这标志着美联储今年内的第四次加息(the Fed's fourth rate hike this year),也是自2015年底以来的第九次加息,美联储正沿着货币政策正常化(monetary policy normalization)的道路前进。

美联储官员还将其对2019年美国经济增速的预测(their forecast for US economic growth in 2019)从此前的2.5%下调至2.3%。根据联邦基金利率的预估中值(median forecast for the federal funds rate),由于预计美国经济将有所放缓,美联储官员估计明年将加息两次(envision two rate hikes next year),少于9月预估的三次。即便如此,美联储设定的升息路径仍比许多市场人士预期的更为激进。

近几年来,美联储持续加息,以减少货币政策给经济带来的提振(reduce the boost that monetary policy gives to the economy)。美国经济目前的增速快于美联储认为可持续的水平。然而,人们担心随着特朗普政府的支出举措和1.5万亿美元减税计划带来的财政刺激逐渐消退,加之全球经济放缓(the global economy slows),明年美国经济可能不容乐观(enter choppy waters)。

  • 货币政策 monetary policy
  • 经济温和扩张 moderate economic expansion
  • 存款准备金率 required reserve ratio
  • 贷款基础利率 Loan Prime Rate, LPR
  • 利率 interest rate
  • 市场波动 market volatility