英语热词 | 2018年6月北京周报微博时事英语汇总



  • 世界上首个“太空国家”阿斯加迪亚在奥地利举行了国家元首就职典礼。
    The inauguration ceremony of the leader of the World’s first "space nation" Asgardia was held in Austria.
  • 俄罗斯亿万富翁、科学家伊戈尔•阿舒尔贝利宣誓就职。
    Russian billionaire and scientist, Igor Ashurbeyli took oath.
  • 25年内要在地球近地轨道建立永久有人居住的太空站,在月球上建成固定定居点
    inhabit space stations in low Earth orbit and permanent settlements on the Moon within 25 years


  • 全面介绍中国履行加入世贸组织承诺的实践
    give a full account of China's fulfillment of its World Trade Organization (#WTO#) commitments
  • 阐释中国参与多边贸易体制建设的原则立场和政策主张
    explain China's principles, stances, policies, and propositions regarding the multilateral trading system
  • 阐明中国推进更高水平对外开放的愿景与行动
    describe China's vision and actions in advancing higher-level reform and opening-up;
  • 2001年中国加入世界贸易组织,是中国深度参与经济全球化的里程碑,标志着中国#改革开放#进入历史新阶段。
    China acceded to the WTO in 2001. This was a milestone in China's integration into economic globalization, marking a new historic stage of reform and opening-up.


  • 放宽了国家科学技术奖励对象的国籍限制
    lift the restriction on the nationality of winners of the National Science and Technology Awards
  • 根据该条例的修订送审稿,奖励对象由“公民”调整为“个人”,使今后将符合条件的外籍人士纳入国家科技奖励的范围成为可能
    The revised regulation has adjusted the winner from "citizens" to "individuals," making it possible for foreign nationals to receive the National Science and Technology Awards in the future.
  • 获奖者剽窃、侵夺他人的发现、发明或者其他科学技术成果的,或者以其他不正当手段骗取国家科学技术奖的,撤销奖励,追回奖金,并依法给予处分。
    Winners who have plagiarized or by any other wrongful means cheated on the awards will be penalized and the prize revoked.


  • 依法严厉打击毒品违法犯罪
    crack down on drug-related crime
  • 摧毁制贩毒团伙网络
    bust drug-making and trafficking networks
  • 深挖涉毒黑恶势力及其“保护伞”
    investigate drug gangs and their protectors
  • 铲除毒品问题滋生蔓延的土壤
    deal with the root cause of drug proliferation
  • 深入开展毒品预防宣传教育
    anti-drug education needed to be stepped up
  • 在全社会形成自觉抵制毒品的浓厚氛围
    foster an atmosphere in which drugs are rejected everywhere in society


  • 在每年农历#秋分#设立为“中国#农民丰收节#”
    celebrate the "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival" on the autumnal equinox day of Chinese lunar calendar
  • 第一个在国家层面为农民设立的节日
    first State-level festival specially created for farmers
  • 体现了政府对农业工作的高度重视和对农民的深切关怀
    reflect the high priority government gives to agricultural work and the deep care of all the farmers

金正恩百日内三度访华 中朝关系有何“特殊”?

  • 开创了高层交往的新历史
    make history with high-level exchanges
  • 中朝双方达成的重要共识正逐步得到落实。
    Important consensus reached by China and the DPRK is being implemented gradually.
  • 双边友好合作关系焕发出新的生机活力
    re¬fresh the bilateral friendly cooperative relations with vitality
  • 朝鲜半岛对话缓和势头得到了有力巩固。
    The momentum for dialogue and easing of situation on the Korean Peninsula has been effectively strengthened.
  • 朝中像一家人一样亲密友好、相互帮助。
    Two countries are as close and friendly as family and help each other.


  • 以9秒97的成绩赢得了男子百米项目
    dashed to a 9.97-second winning mark in the men's 100-meter event
  • 比个人最好成绩快了0.07秒
    cutting 0.07s off his personal best
  • 超过了亚洲飞人苏炳添2015赛季跑出的9秒99
    beat the national record of 9.99s, set by the country's star sprinter Su Bingtian in 2015
  • 成为中国第二位正式跑进10秒大关的男子飞人
    become the second Chinese to dip under the 10-second barrier
  • 法国蒙特勒伊赛
    Meeting de Montreuil


  • 恐龙足迹
    dinosaur footprints
  • 保存完好的
  • 侏罗纪时期
    Jurassic Period
  • 这批足迹中有70个小型恐爪龙类足迹,这是世界上首次证实恐爪龙具有群居的特性。
    The dinosaur tracks, which include around 70 footprints of dromaeosaurid, confirm for the first time that the species lived in groups.
  • 山区
    a mountainous area

中国产品亮相2018#世界杯#  10万只小龙虾抵达莫斯科

  • 俄罗斯5:0大胜沙特阿拉伯
    race to a 5-0 victory over Saudi Arabia
  • 这是自1934年世界杯开幕以来,东道主国家取得的最大胜利。
    It records the biggest win by the host nation in the opening game of a World Cup since 1934.
  • 自2002年以来,中国在最近四届世界杯预选赛中早早出局。
    China has suffered early exits from its last four World Cup qualifiers since 2002.
  • 在莫斯科的中国球迷可能会惊喜地看到熟悉的中国品牌。
    Chinese football fans in Moscow may be thrilled to see the presence of familiar Chinese brands.
  • 小龙虾


  • 新罕布什尔大学将成为美国第一所承认中国高考成绩的州立大学。
    The University of New Hampshire will be the first state university in the U.S. to accept the Chinese university entrance exam known as Gaokao.
  • 为了吸引更多中国学生
    in an effort to attract more Chinese students
  • 决定某人的事业与前途
    determine a person’s career and future prospects
  • 人生转折点
    a life-defining moment


  • 复牌
    resume trading
  • 向美国政府支付合计14亿美元的罚款
    pay up to $1.4 billion in penalties to the U.S. Government
  • 更换董事会和管理团队
    replace its board and executive team
  • 禁止美国公司向中兴出售核心部件
    ban American companies from selling crucial hardware and software components to the company
  • 使得这家电信设备制造商濒临破产
    push the telecoms equipment maker to the brink of collapse

#美朝首脑历史性会晤# 双方拟单独会谈40分钟

  • 现任美国领导人首次与朝鲜领导人会晤
    the first time a sitting U.S. president has sat down for talks with a North Korean leader
  • 一对一会谈
    a one-on-one meeting
  • 进行工作午餐
    held a working lunch
  • 不可逆的无核化
    irreversible denuclearization
  • 会谈结时间尚未公布
    No time has been announced for when the talks might conclude

我国首本中学AI教材发布 人工智能将进入高中课堂

  • 人工智能
    artificial intelligence (AI)
  • 面部识别
    facial recognition
  • 首批人工智能教育实验基地学校
    the first batch of AI high education pilot program
  • 引入该教材作为校本课程
    introduce the textbook in curriculum
  • 掌握一些人工智能方面的知识技能
    learn the basic idea and methods of AI
  • 面临着全球性人才短缺
    face a talent shortage globally


  • 上海合作组织青岛峰会大范围会谈
    a large-scale meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit
  • 上海精神
    the Shanghai Spirit
  • 尽管单边主义、贸易保护主义、逆全球化思潮不断有新的表现,但“地球村”的世界决定了各国日益利益交融、命运与共,合作共赢是大势所趋。
    While unilateralism, trade protectionism and the backlash against globalization are taking new forms, in this global village of ours where countries' interests and future are so interconnected, the pursuit of cooperation for mutual benefit represents a surging trend.
  • 携手迈向持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界
    build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity
  • 中方将在上海合作组织银行联合体框架内设立300亿元人民币等值专项贷款
    China will set up a 30-billion-yuan equivalent special lending facility within the framework of the SCO Inter-bank Consortium


  • 中华人民共和国“友谊勋章”
    Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China (PRC)
  • 促进中外交流合作
    promote exchange and cooperation between China and the world
  • 维护世界和平
    safeguard world peace
  • 为我国社会主义现代化建设作出杰出贡献
    make outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive
  • 通过树立中外友谊典范,向世界传递友谊和平、公平正义等基本理念
    designed to convey the basic ideas of friendship, peace, fairness, and justice to the world
  • 增进世界对中国的了解
    promote the world's understanding of China

首批“00后”参加高考 人数创近八年历史新高

  • 高考
    national college entrance exam (the gaokao)
  • 高考报名人数达到975万人,创八年新高。
    About 9.75 million students have registered for the gaokao this year, the highest in eight years.
  • 高考是实现教育公平的重要制度。
    The gaokao is a crucial system to ensure equality in education
  • 承载为国选人育人的重大使命
    tasked with the important mission to educate and pick talent for the state
  • 2014年启动的新一轮考试招生制度改革已取得积极成效。
    The latest round of college entrance reforms since 2014 had yielded positive progress.
  • “唯分数论”和“应试教育”
    rote learning and test-oriented education

反击美国制裁 伊朗提高铀浓缩能力

  • 不忍受制裁和核计划受限的双重禁锢;
    would not tolerate sanctions on one hand and undergo "nuclear austerity" on the other
  • 拟将铀浓缩能力恢复到19万“分离功单位”
    prepare for the enrichment of uranium up to a level of 190,000 separative work units
  • 伊朗原子能组织
    Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
  • 电视讲话
    televised speech


  • 为环境保护提供坚强司法后盾
    exercise better judicial functions in environmental cases
  • 生态损害赔偿和责任追究制度
    ecological damage compensation and accountability system
  • 推动环境资源刑事、民事、行政案件由专门审判机构或者专业审判团队审理
    call for specialized departments or teams in courts to handle criminal, civil and administrative environmental cases
  • 突出重点区域生态环境治理
    require strengthened legal protection of the ecological environment in certain key areas
  • 长江经济带
    Yangtze River Economic Zone
  • 雄安新区
    Xiongan New Area
  • 国家公园试点
    the country's piloted national parks
  • 最高人法院
    China's Supreme People's Court


  • 避税
  • 如发现违反税收法律法规的行为,将严格依法处理。
    Any illegal activity uncovered would be punished in accordance with the law
  • 通过少申报收入来逃税
    evade paying tax through only reporting a fraction of the total income as stated on a payment contract
  • 电影电视行业的潜规则
    a hidden rule within the film and television industry
  • 加大征管力度
    Further measures will be taken to prevent similar cases and enhance law enforcement


  • 国家医疗保障局
    State Medical Insurance Administration
  • 主要职责是拟定医疗保险、生育保险、医疗救助等医疗保障制度的政策、规划、标准并组织实施。
    be responsible for formulating policies, plans, and standards on healthcare systems in terms of medical insurance, maternity insurance, and medical assistance, and ensuring their implementation.
  • 监督管理相关医疗保障基金
    supervise and administer related medicare funds
  • 完善国家异地就医管理和费用结算平台
    improve a platform for trans-regional medical services and expense settlement
  • 组织制定和调整药品、医疗服务价格
    organize related parties to fix and adjust prices for drugs and medical services
  • 保障人民群众就医需求
    meet the people's medical needs
  • 减轻医药费用负担
    ease the burden of medical costs
  • 提高健康水平
    improve the level of health