美国习惯用语 | back the wrong horse

我们家最近要装修厨房,正为找装修师傅而头疼。有名的装修队要价高,不好约,新开张的装修店倒是价格便宜,有时间,可又不知道质量如何。装修可是件大事,弄不好会带来没完没了的麻烦。我和老公都很怕会: back the wrong horse。

back the wrong horse字面的意思是“支持错的马”,其实就是“押错宝,选错人”。在装修时:

  • we don't want to back the wrong horse.


  • Over his long career, Coach Carpenter recruited hundreds of football players for our university, who helped their team win their division trophy year after year. It's a mystery how he made his decisions. Yet the fact remains that he rarely backed the wrong horse.


  • He rarely backs the wrong horse when it comes to investing in stocks.


  • Do you prefer a Mac or a PC? Computer users used to worry that either Apple or Microsoft would eventually dominate the marketplace. Because both systems now support many of each other's functions, it's unlikely that one will become obsolete. That means you shouldn't be concerned about backing the wrong horse.

back the wrong horse这个说法也可以用bet on the wrong horse替代。to bet on就是“下赌注”的意思,所以to bet on the wrong horse也是“下错赌注,押错宝”的意思。