英语热词 | 华为宣布起诉美国政府



Huawei said it had filed a complaint in a federal court in Texas challenging the constitutionality of Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a section signed into law by the US president in August that banned federal agencies and their contractors from procuring its equipment and services.



The US Congress has repeatedly failed to produce any evidence to support its restrictions on Huawei products. We are compelled to take this legal action as a proper and last resort.

This ban not only is unlawful, but also restricts Huawei from engaging in fair competition, ultimately harming US consumers. We look forward to the court's verdict, and trust that it will benefit both Huawei and the American people.


郭平称,美国政府曾经入侵华为服务器、窃取了大量的邮件和源代码(The US government "has hacked our servers and stolen our e-mails and source code"),却没有找到任何华为会危害美国网络安全的证据,可美国政府,以及像参议员马克·卢比奥这样的人,仍然坚持要污蔑华为公司。

Huawei noted the NDAA restrictions prevent the company from providing more advanced 5G technologies to US consumers, which will delay the commercial application of 5G.

Guo Ping added, "If this law is set aside, as it should be, Huawei can bring more advanced technologies to the US and help it build the best 5G networks. Huawei is willing to address the US Government's security concerns. Lifting the NDAA ban will give the US Government the flexibility it needs to work with Huawei and solve real security issues."