英语口语 | 用the icing on the cake表达“锦上添花”


短语the icing on the cake“蛋糕上的糖衣”的意思是使一件原本己经很好的事物变得更好,锦上添花。

  • It is great to see my team in the final. And now I've got tickets to watch the match in the stadium - this is the icing on the cake!
  • Mary's salary will double with her promotion. All the foreign travel and luxury hotels she'll be staying in are the icing on the cake.

值得注意的是,我们用短语a piece of cake “一块蛋糕”来形容易如反掌的、轻松的事,正如汉语里说的“小菜一碟”。

  • I am very good at Maths. The final exam will be a piece of cake.