
猫爪杯 cat-paw mug
互释诚意 show sincerity
照顾彼此合理关切 accommodate each other’s legitimate concerns
app 布置作业 assign homework on mobile apps
饥饿营销 hunger marketing
商业炒作 commercial speculation
明星代言 celebrity endorsement

电子病历管理制度 electronic medical record management system
分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system
人工智能伦理研究 AI ethics
心肺损伤 heart and lung damage
静脉注射 intravenous injection
皮肤瘙痒 itchy skin
重症病房 intensive care unit
睡眠障碍 sleep disorder
依赖药物 resort to medication
恶性循环 vicious circle
工作负担重 heavy workload
正常生物钟 normal biological clock
睡眠时间短 short sleep duration

快速交通网络 rapid transport network
智能交通 intelligent transportation
工业云、金融云、政务云、医疗云、教育云、交通云 industrial, finance, government, medical, education and transportation clouds
贫困代际传递 poverty across generations
慢就业 delayed employment

生物燃料 biofuel
化石燃料 fossil fuel
新能源 new energy
可再生能源 renewable energy
负面清单 negative list
不动产登记 immovable property registration
互联网+政务服务 the Internet Plus government services model
国家安全与社会稳定 national security and social stability
扫黑除恶斗争 the campaign to combat organized crime and root out local mafia
知识产权保护 intellectual property protection
法治 rule of law
公平、正义 fairness and justice

世界级城市群 a world-class city cluster
粤港澳大湾区 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
珠三角 the Pearl River Delta
战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries
开放型经济新体制 new system of open economy
高端人才和紧缺人才 highly-skilled talents and those in urgent need
产教融合 integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities
“双一流” “Double First-Class” initiative
国际化水平 level of internationalization
创新要素 key factors of innovation

强化使命担当 forge ahead with a pioneering spirit
聚力备战打仗 concentrate on war preparedness
“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road initiative
外商投资法 Foreign Investment Law
外商投资政策的透明度 the transparency of foreign investment policies

空巢老人empty-nest elderly
面谈 one-on-one conversation
技术转让 technology transfer
非关税壁垒 non-tariff barriers
教育强国 education power
师德 teachers’ ethics
基本公共教育服务均等化 equal access to basic public education services
脱贫攻坚战 the tough battle against poverty
“三农”问题 issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers

食品监管部门 food watchdogs
控制食品安全风险 control food safety hazards
发霉食物 moldy food
餐饮服务 catering services
不符合标准的原料 substandard materials
抗震设防烈度最高的大桥 the most earthquake-resistant bridge
促进沿海地区产业融合 promote the integration of coastal industries
抗震和防风级别高 highly resistant to earthquakes and extreme wind
海上监测 marine monitor
学霸 straight A student
学渣 study slacker
抢手 a ghostwriter or paid test-taker
鲜榨果汁 liquidized fruit

智能手机低头族 smartphone zombies
夸夸群 flattery/ praise groups

奥运会会歌 Olympic Hymn/ Anthem
奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium
奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue
奥运火炬塔 Olympic cauldron
奥运火炬 Olympic torch
火炬手 torch bearer
火炬接力 torch relay

经贸高级别磋商 high-level economic and trade consultations
全面经济对话 comprehensive economic dialogue
贸易逆差 trade deficit
技术转让 technology transfer

死亡人数 death toll
紧急救援队 emergency team
有机化合物 organic chemical compounds
安全隐患 hidden safety hazards

青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
解放农奴 emancipation of serfs
预付卡 prepaid card
月租方案 monthly plan
现付现购 pay-as-you-go