美国习惯用语 | tar and feather


刚才朋友跟我抱怨说,她的老板太可怕了! 她在工作上出了一点小错,老板就不依不饶,把她好一顿骂。这让我想到了一个习惯用语。那就是:tar and feather。tar这个词不太常见,是“柏油”的意思。feather大家都知道是指“羽毛”。把tar和feather放在一起,意思是“严厉惩罚”。

比如,我的朋友被苛刻的老板骂得体无完肤。我们就可以说She felt tarred and feathered by her overly critical boss。当然了,倒霉的不只我朋友一个人,看看下面是这个高中生的烦恼。

  • I think my whole class hates English this semester. Our teacher is always ready to punish us for the slightest mistake. If she finds any misspellings on our compositions, she deducts several points from our grade. I don't understand the need to tar and feather us.


在生活中,我们常常会见到吹毛求疵,专挑别人毛病的人。我以前常看一个美食评论家的专栏,我发现,她的文章中,称赞别人的部分不到百分之10。没过多久,她的专栏就被撤掉了。可见,大众的力量不容忽视。社会名流,他们更可能因丑闻而被大众tar and feather。不过,这种情况似乎也在发生变化。

  • I'm no longer shocked when I read about athletes and politicians who have extramarital affairs. It used to be that they'd be tarred and feathered. Today, instead of being severely criticized, they're often forgiven. Then they're featured on magazine covers and make lots of money by writing books. It disgusts me.

上面这段话让我想到一个女人 - 玛莎·斯图尔特。她原本是“家政女皇”,可后来因股票内幕交易丑闻坐了5个月的牢。当时,she was tarred and feathered,所以好多评论家都以为她将一蹶不振。可恰恰相反,她出狱后全面复出,经营的企业甚至比以前更成功,似乎也没人再提她犯罪坐牢的事儿了。

tar and feather的起源是12世纪时的一种酷刑。当时,人们把Tar - 柏油,倒在受罚者身上,然后再把Feather - 羽毛,贴在柏油上,这样乎上几天,实在残酷。后来,to tar and feather就被引伸为“严厉惩罚”的意思了。