英语热词 | 三部门联合发布森林火险红色预警



  • China issued a red alert, the highest level, for forest fire risks in arid northern and southwestern regions. Beijing, Tianjin, and the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Sichuan, will see the risk of forest fires stay at the highest level until Monday, and "under the red alert, no open fires are allowed in forests and grasslands", Yang Xiaodan, chief forecaster of the National Meteorological Center's Public Information Center, said on Tuesday.

一般来说发生在野外的火灾在英语里统称为wildfire(野火),根据燃烧植被的种类又可以具体分为brush fire(灌木丛火灾), bushfire(丛林火灾), desert fire(沙漠火灾), forest fire(森林火灾), grass fire(草地火灾), hill fire(山火)等。

依据气象因子变化(meteorological factor change)、森林可燃物变化(change of combustible forest materials)以及引发森林火灾火源发生状态(the state of forest fire sources),森林火险预警等级(forest fire risk level)由低到高划分为三个预警级别,并依次采用黄色、橙色和红色来加以表示。


  • The alert was issued based on comprehensive considerations, including the persistent dry weather, strong winds and high temperatures, and also the coming Tomb Sweeping Day when thousands will travel to ancestors' grave sites and in some cases, burn offerings.


4月2日15时,凉山木里森林火灾现场明火已全部扑灭,现已转入清理余火(clean up embers)阶段。

  • Sichuan has opened a special investigation into the cause of the blaze and will release the results in due time, Tang Yi, director of Liangshan's security enforcement team said.