
迎接挑战 embrace challenges
承接北京非首都功能 take over Beijing’s noncapital functions
大城市病 big city malaise
示范区 demonstration area
内陆开放型经济试验区 Inland Open-up Pilot Economic Zone
区域互动合作和产业集聚发展 regional interaction and cooperation and industrial concentration

外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises
放宽外资市场准入 relax control over market access for foreign investment
寻求互利合作的双赢、多赢之道 seek win-win results in cooperation
缩减负面清单 shorten the negative list

5G基站 5G base stations
千兆宽带网络 gigabit broadband network
申遗 bid for the World Heritage List
爆燃 eruptive fire
人员伤亡 human casualties
易燃气体 combustible gas
采取预防措施 take precautions
港珠澳大桥 HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area

高级别会议 high-level meetings
在欧洲大陆面临不确定因素之际巩固中欧合作关系 consolidate China-Europe cooperation at a time when uncertainties are rattling the European continent
中欧全面战略伙伴关系 China-EU comprehensive strategic partners...
饱受争议 beset by controversies
文物修复 restoration of cultural relics
一个中国政策 one-China policy

恶意注册知识产权权利 bad faith registrations of intellectual property rights
个人信用信息 personal credit information
个人信用数据库 personal credit database
提起民事诉讼 file a civil lawsuit
民事侵犯和殴打civil assault and battery
性侵 sexual assault
智慧城市 intelligent city
数字货币 digital currency

“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for humanity
共同关心的重大国际和地区问题 major international and regional issues of common concern
你输我赢、赢者通吃的零和游戏 a you-lose-I-win and winner-takes-all game
中欧班列 China-Europe freight trains
文明互鉴 mutual learning between civilizations
大开放、大交流、大融合 opening-up, communication and integration among countries in a larger scope, with higher standards and at deeper levels
春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。Spring and autumn are lovely seasons in which friends get together to climb up mountains and write poems.
世界遗产名录 World Heritage List
河海不择细流,故能就其深。 The ceaseless inflow of rivers makes the ocean deep.
共商共建共享原则 the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits
政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通 policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity
万物得其本者生,百事得其道者成。Plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus will ensure success.
顺应经济全球化的历史潮流,顺应全球治理体系变革的时代要求,顺应各国人民过上更好日子的强烈愿望 embrace the historical trend of economic globalization, respond to the call for improving the global governance system and meet people's longing for a better life