美国习惯用语 | somebody's number is up


在美国,一到星期五,很多公司里的员工都会轮流带多纳圈到办公室,跟同事分享,我们办公室也不例外。老实说,我本人并不喜欢多纳圈,太甜,而且离我家最近的一家多纳圈专卖店开车二十分钟才能到,很不方便。你猜,明天轮到谁带多纳圈?没错,又轮到我了。这倒让我想起一个有趣的习惯用语:somebody's number is up。

somebody's number is up这个习惯用语的意思是“气数已尽,要倒霉了”。就好比我,虽然自己并不喜欢吃多纳圈,而且又要绕道去买,但是轮到我了,没办法。在这种情况下,就可以说:

  • My number is up!


  • We knew to expect another round of layoffs. So I had a bad feeling when my coworker got called in to meet with the boss. Sure enough, his number was up. He and five other associates were given one hour to clean out their desks and turn in their office IDs. I'm just lucky I still have my position.

现在经济不景气,谁都可能会丢饭碗。我的一个朋友就担心,她老公如果在三个月内找不到新工作的话,their number will be up,他们就要惨了。

不过,也不是所有人都这么倒霉。比如说我的邻居Judy Allen就刚刚当选连任了市议员。我们一起来看看下面这段政治评论:

  • Judy Allen's reelection to the city council confirms that her number isn't up yet. It's true that she may have made some political enemies in her first term. But the majority of voters still felt she did a good job. And what they want now is to see her build on her success.
    Judy Allen当选连任市议员说明,她的政治生涯还没有走到尽头。不错,她在第一个任期内确实树了一些政敌,但是大多数选民还是觉得她干得不错。他们希望她能在成功的基础上再接再励。


  • You never know when your number will be up.
