美国习惯用语 | cut the mustard

上星期商店大甩卖,我买了个咖啡壶。样子虽然很好看,但是质量却不咋地。我决定马上把它退回去。这倒让我想起了今天要学的习惯用语, cut the mustard。

动词cut在中文里是切割的意思,mustard是芥末的意思。直译显然说不通。其实cut the mustard在英语里的意思就是“符合标准、符合要求”。


  • It simply does not cut the mustard.

下面这个例子里的消费者,对新买的手机很不满意,因为it does not cut the mustard,让我们看看他是怎么说的。

  • The sales agent convinced me to buy my cell phone. But I haven't been impressed with its service. It drops calls and takes forever to recharge. What I really need is a phone that's much more dependable. This one just does not cut the mustard.

这个人错就错在不应该轻信那个推销员的话,结果跟我一样,买了个质量伪劣的产品。在美语里面,这种质量伪劣的产品有一种说法,叫Lemon。比如说,我姐夫的新车就是Lemon。他因为贪图便宜,买了这辆车,结果开了不到半年,就大修了两次,花了很多钱。好在美国有专门的Lemon Laws,保护消费者利益。我姐夫恐怕要好好研究一下这些法律,因为:

  • His car does not cut the mustard.


  • After my niece had trouble finding work, I managed to get her a position as an administrative assistant at my office. What a mistake! Not only was she slow, but she was rather lazy. After two weeks, I had to let her go because she could not cut the mustard.

给亲戚朋友安排工作,很容易遇到这种棘手的状况。值得说明的是,cut the mustard也可以用于肯定某个人或是某件事。比如说,我们公司的老板准备给一个在我们这里实习的学生转正,因为:

  • He can really cut the mustard.

很多人想知道,cut the mustard这个习惯用语的来历。在这个问题上,语言学家们众说纷纭。有人认为这个习惯用语来源于芥末的制作程序;另外一些人则认为是从pass mustard转变而来的。

  • If those explanations are not cutting the mustard for you, you'll have to wait until we have conclusive research.