英语写作 | 办公室留言怎么写?


People often make mistakes in their automatic out of office messages. This can make a bad impression, especially if there are basic spelling or gramma mistakes, as such messages tend to be written at the last moment when you’re in a hurry to leave the office. So here are some template messages that you might like to keep for future use.

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will return on [---].Kind regards,

You have reached the mailbox of [---]. I am out of the office at the moment and will be back on [---]. Please refer all urgent matters to [---] at the following email address [---]. Regards,

Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office until [---]. If you need urgent help please contact my assistant [---] on [telephone number] or email [---]. Regards,

Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office and only have intermittent access to email. If the matter needs urgent attention please contact [---] on [telephone number] or email [---]. Best regards,

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will be returning on [---]. If the matter is urgent, please call me on my mobile on [telephone number]. Alternatively, please get in touch with [---] at the following email address [---]. Kind regards,

Thank you for your message. Our office is closed today, [date], due to a national holiday. I will be back in the office tomorrow and will reply to your email as soon as I can. Best regards,