英语口语 | “下马威”英语怎么说?


“下马威”,原指官吏初到任时对下属显示的威风(severity shown by an official on assuming office),后泛指一开始就向对方显示自己的威力(head-on blow at the first encounter)。

常用表达“给对手一个下马威”,英文可以翻译为“prevail over the opponent from the very first encounter”,或“secure a leading position over the opponent from the very beginning”。

  • 新经理一来就来了一个下马威,开除了几个懒散的员工。
    As soon as the new manager assumed office, he showed his ruthlessness by firing several slackers.
  • 教练一开始就给每个球员来了一个下马威。
    The coach begins by putting the fear of God in every ballplayer.