英语口语 | 用Not give a monkey's表达“毫不在乎”


如果你告诉别人你 don't give a monkey's about something,意思就是你对某事一点都不在乎,完全无所谓。

  • I don't give a monkey's if my ex-boyfriend is getting married or not.
  • It's all about the money for Caroline. She doesn't give a monkey's about the work itself.

值得注意的是,如果某人参与的事被形容为 monkey business, 这就是说他的表现和行为非常愚蠢或幼稚。这个短语也能用来表达令人难以接受甚至是带欺骗性质的表现。

  • Two policemen showed up at my neighbour's doorstep this morning. I've always suspected there's been some monkey business going on in the house.