英语口语 | 用making waves表达“兴风作浪,引起轰动”


我们用 make waves 来形容某人或事对外产生了影响,引起轰动,甚至制造风波。

  • This footballer is really making waves. People are impressed by his consistently amazing performances.
  • This news story is really making waves this week. Everyone is talking about it.
  • In the conference, he talked about the gadgets that made waves last year.

值得注意的是,短语 wave goodbye to something 的意思是向某事或某物挥手告别,形容接受得不到某物的事实。

  • I'm always late for work at the moment. I think I can wave goodbye to a pay rise this year!
  • If you want to get top grades, you can wave goodbye to your social life - you'll have to study every night.