翻译研究 | “平安”与safety




翻译研究 | “平安”与safety

日常生活中的safety也要放到具体环境中说才有意义。这篇关于stay safe的文章列出了一些实际场合,告诉人们如何在这些场合stay safe:

翻译研究 | “平安”与safety


下面这段话里,一位母亲表达了对孩子未来的担忧,乍看a safe life似乎没有针对特定风险,但下一段话里就交代了uncertain future的内容:

I think about my son's sleeping face as I hold him each night before putting him into his bed, and I wonder those things that all mothers wonder: whether he will have a safe life; whether he will ever reach my age.

The issue of my son's uncertain future is not, as it was for my mother, global warfare. It is global survival. Will we as a race, through our myopic vision, destroy forever the planet we live on? We have made progress in that direction.


离开了具体语境谈safety没有意义,而祝福往往使用在开放式、general的语境中。因此,祝福一个人平安和祝福一个人幸福不太一样,不能像说I wish you a happy life一样说I wish you a safe life。同理,人们说I wish you a safe journey是因为旅行有其自带的风险,可能会出现与旅行相关的安全问题。

最后,safe有“安稳”的意思,与adventure相对,所以lead a safe life可能是安稳、平淡、不思进取的生活。比如下面这篇文章的标题,safe life要说的就不是“平安”的生活。

翻译研究 | “平安”与safety
翻译研究 | “平安”与safety
A quote by Isabel Allende, a Chilean writer.

另外,习语play it safe的意思就是采取谨慎做法,避免冒险。

因此,一些喜欢冒险的人可能不愿意别人祝愿他lead a safe life。

祝福一个人“平安”,可以说(a life) safe from harm/ stay out of harm’s way。这一方面解决了“安稳”的问题,另一方面虽然harm这个词也比较空洞,但同孤悬的safe life相比,一个敞开的缺口被填平了。
