
Spring scenery greets the eye; sweet blooms perfume the air.
多极时代 multipolar times
地区动乱(冲突) regional turmoil (conflicts)
事业单位 public institutions
打击市场操纵 a clampdown on market manipulation
免押金 deposit waiver
地方风味小吃 local delicacy

多极世界 multipolar world
平等互利 equality and mutual benefit
互相尊重主权 mutual respect for sovereignty
领土完整 territorial integrity
互不侵犯 non- aggression
互不干涉内政 non- interference in the internal affairs of other countries
和平共处 peaceful coexistence
亚洲文明对话大会 the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations
捍卫多边贸易体制 defend multilateral trade mechanisms
互利双赢的协议 a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement
通过磋商解决贸易分歧 tackle trade disputes through consultations
经贸摩擦升级 escalate trade frictions

全国一级文化保护单位 Class A heritage site under state protection
和平共处五项基本原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
各国人民的福祉 wellbeing of all nations
复杂多变的国际形势 a complex and volatile international situation
绿色发展理念 the vision of green development.
环保模范城市 a model city for environmental protection
亚洲命运共同体 an Asian community of shared future
跨国界、跨时空、跨文明的交往活动 cross-border, cross-time-and-space and cross-civilization exchanges

亚洲文化嘉年华 Asian culture carnival
环太平洋国家 the Pacific rim countries
高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue
多边外交 multilateral diplomatic activity
独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace
文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources
数字遗产 digital heritage
生态治理 ecological governance
持有双重国籍 hold dual nationality
生态友好型发展 eco-friendly development
无现金社会 cashless society
深化共建“一带一路”合作 deepen cooperation in building the Belt and Road jointly
繁荣昌盛 flourishing and prosperity
违背体育伦理精神 violate sports ethics and spirit
为不当行为道歉 apologize for the misbehavior
手机芯片 smartphone chipsets
10 纳米制造工艺 10-nanometermanufacturing process
高端产品 premium products
紧急着陆 an emergency landing
被大火吞没 be engulfed in flames

Ecological conservation has become part ofChina's overall plan for national development. Building a beautiful China is an inspiringgoal for the Chinese people. As China steps up its conservation efforts, the world will see aChina with more blue skies, lush mountains and lucid waters.

锦绣中华大地,是中华民族赖以生存和发展的家园,孕育了中华民族5000 多年的灿烂文明,造就了中华民族天人合一的崇高追求。
This beautiful land of China, home to the Chinese nation and its splendid 5,000-yearcivilization, has nurtured the lofty idea of harmony between man and nature.