美国习惯用语 | come out in the wash 某件事情会得到圆满的解决,水落石出,真相大白


办公室有同事对我们新网站的一些技术问题很担心,但是我却并不着急。我觉得:they will all come out in the wash。

come out in the wash这个习惯用语的意思是指“某件事情会得到圆满的解决”。


  • My buddies and I are organizing a biking trip across the country. We haven't mapped out the entire route or arranged for our food or lodging. But I think there's plenty of time to work out the details. It'll all come out in the wash by the time we leave.

come out in the wash这个习惯用语的辞源可以追溯到十七世纪初,当时著名的西班牙作家塞万提斯在他的小说《唐吉诃德》里就使用了all will come out in the wash这个习惯用语。当然了,他是用的是西班牙语。

除了圆满解决外,come out in the wash还有“水落石出,真相大白”的意思。


  • The governor claims that he resigned because of a health crisis. So far he's refused to answer reporters' questions. Perhaps he's afraid of what might come out in the wash. Maybe they'll find out that he's trying to cover up what could become a political scandal!
