英语热词 | 文化自信 cultural confidence


An article by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on strengthening cultural confidence and developing a great socialist culture in China was published in the 12th issue of the Qiushi Journal this year. The article stressed that the Chinese nation will not be able to rejuvenate itself without strong cultural confidence and a rich and prosperous culture.


Writers, artists and theorists should strengthen cultural confidence, serve the people with fine works, and guide the public with high moral standards.

  • 四个自信(中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信)
    confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics
  • 百花齐放春满园
    All flowers in full blossom make a beautiful spring.