英语热词 | 2019年第二季度十大“堵城”出炉,重庆再霸榜首


China's southwestern municipality of Chongqing, home to more than 3 million registered cars, had the worst traffic congestion among 50 major cities in the second quarter this year, a recent traffic analysis report says.

With average rush-hour vehicular speeds as low as 24.95 kilometers per hour-almost as slow as riding a bicycle-people in the city need to spend nearly twice as long getting to their destinations during rush hour than when traffic is flowing freely, according to the report.

  • 我们都知道早晚交通出行的高峰时段在英语里一般用rush hour或者peak hour表示,与其相对的“非高峰时段”就可以用non-rush hour或者off-peak hour表示。“交通拥堵”多用traffic jam或者traffic congestion表示,jam比congestion的用法要多一些,因为jam还可以指我们平常吃的“果酱”。另外,最近几年伦敦等大城市开始实行的“拥堵费”可以用congestion charge来表示。

该报告针对我国城市地面公共出行(ground traffic)、城市道路交通(road traffic)、高速公路(expressway)运行三个方面,通过不同的评价指数,进行了一次全面的扫描和诊断。

报告显示,2019年第二季度中国10大拥堵城市(top 10 most congested cities)分别为重庆市、哈尔滨市、北京市、长春市、呼和浩特市、大连市、济南市、沈阳市、兰州市、西宁市。

报告首次发布“绿色出行意愿指数(green travel willingness index)”,选取全国50个城市,依据高德地图公交&地铁(bus and subway)、骑行(cycling)、步行(walking)路线规划总次数占比,归一化处理后得出各城市的“绿色出行意愿指数”。指数越高表明城市绿色出行需求强度越大,反之绿色出行需求强度越小。


  • 合乘公交
    bus pooling/bus sharing
  • 定制公交
    customized shuttle bus
  • 低碳出行
    low-carbon means of transport
  • 尾号限行
    traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers
  • 潮汐车道
    reversible lanes