美国习惯用语 | speak of the devil 说到曹操,曹操就到


我们办公室的那女秘书是不是休假去了,好久没看见她?是啊,她今天回来上班了,瞧,那女秘书不是走过来了吗?真是说到曹操,曹操就到。不过美国历史上没有曹操,但是他们也有相似的说法,他们说:speak of the devil。

Speak of 就是说到,devil 是魔鬼。Speak of the devil 的字面意思就是:说到魔鬼。作为一个习惯用语,它的意思也就是中文里所说的“说到曹操,曹操就到”。


  • It's bad manners of John to keep us waiting. He's never on time. Look at the clock. He's already twenty-five minutes late. Shall we go? Oh, speak of the devil, here he is now.

Speak of the devil 在刚才那个例句里是贬义的。但是,实际上 speak of the devil 褒贬的意思都有。中国人说“说曹操曹操到”并不是说来的人就是曹操,只是一种比喻。也就是说,speak of the devil 跟魔鬼没有关系。不过,speak of the devil 这个习惯用语的来源却和魔鬼有关。

我知道。Speak of the devil 是在18世纪初开始流行的。当时有一种迷信的说法,也就是:speak of the devil and he's sure to appear。如果你说到魔鬼,魔鬼就一定会现身。对,后来就简化成:speak of the devil。


  • Did you hear what that politician decided to do this time? Every day he seems to make an even worse mistake than the day before. How did he get elected? That's what I want to know. Oh, speak of the devil, there he is on the television.

