英美文化 | 到外国人家做客的十大禁忌


Want to be the perfect houseguest and get invited back again? Don't use your phone, always take off your shoes and never ask for the Wi-Fi password.

An etiquette study has revealed the top 10 'rude' faux pas according to homeowners - and you should take note.

The survey found that it's bad manners to ask for the internet access code, while 89 percent branded using a phone at the table as the biggest house guest faux pas.

House-proud Brits also flagged wearing shoes on the carpet as a house-guest no-no, with 64 percent revealing they think guests should take off their shoes when entering someone else's home.

Intrusion of privacy also rated highly in the house guest faux pas survey, with 58 percent admitting they thought it rude for guests to look in their bedroom without permission, and a further 52 percent saying they don't like it when people peer in their fridge through fear of being judged.

When it comes to home entertaining, 24 percent said they would expect a gift from dinner guests, with a bottle of wine being the preferred token, compared to just three percent who expect a gift from daytime visitors.

In contrast, 22 percent of people said they thought it was impolite for guests to turn down food when it was offered. But 88 percent thought it was wrong when guests helped themselves to food without asking first.

When it comes to guests' furry friends, Brits are incredibly welcoming. While 87 percent agreed that it was bad-mannered to put your feet on other people's furniture, 61 percent said they would be happy for guests to let their dog curl up on the sofa.

Despite their generous nature, 19 percent of people said they would appreciate being asked first before bringing a pet into their home, small children, allergies and unwanted animal hair as the main reasons.