英语热词 | “功勋荣誉表彰制度”英语怎么说?


Scientific planning and a right direction are needed in order to ensure long-term social effects of the award system, with a focus on the virtues and achievements of winners. Standards and procedures must be strictly followed so that all the awards can stand the test of practice, people and history. We'd rather have no winner than lower the standards.

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday signed a presidential decree to award 42 Chinese and foreign individuals national medals and honorary titles, as the People's Republic of China prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary. The conferring of the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and national honorary titles, with some to posthumous awardees, was endorsed by the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, the top legislature, at a special session on Tuesday.


  • 共和国勋章
    the Medal of the Republic
  • 七一勋章
    the July 1 Medal
  • 八一勋章
    the August 1 Medal
  • 友谊勋章
    the Friendship Medal
  • 国家荣誉称号
    national titles of honor
  • 功勋簿
    Book of Merit