英语口语 | “脚踏两只船”英语怎么说?


“脚踏两只船”,中文俗语,字面意思是“have one’s feet in two boats”,比喻跟不同阵营的两方面都保持关系(to be connected to two groups with opposing interests),可翻译为“have a foot in both camps”。

如今,“脚踏两只船”一般用来形容玩弄他人感情、同时维持多段恋爱关系(have more than one romantic relationship at a time)的行为,含有贬义,与英文“two-time”意思相近,表示“deceive or be unfaithful to (a lover or spouse)”。

  • 当我发现他脚踏两只船后,就和他分手了。
    I ended the relationship when I found out he was two-timing me.
  • 你确定他没有脚踏两只船?
    Are you sure he is not two-timing you?