英语口语 | “吊胃口”英语怎么说?


“吊胃口”,本意指“用好吃的东西引起人的食欲(arouse the appetite)”,现在多比喻让人产生欲望或兴趣(increase someone's interest in and wish for something),引起兴趣而不给予满足,可以翻译为“whet somebody's appetite”或“hold in suspense”。

  • 先吊吊他的胃口,再告诉他实情。
    Don’t tell him the truth right away but keep him in suspense for a while.
  • 别吊人胃口了,快说谁得了第一名。
    Don’t keep us in suspense, and tell us who won the first prize.
  • 丹尼斯说:“接着说,别吊我们胃口了。”
    'Go on, don't leave us in suspense,' Dennis said.