英语热词 | 北京新版餐饮服务指引:餐桌间隔1米,不得面对面就餐


Diners will not be allowed to sit face-to-face in restaurants and canteens in Beijing during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest government notice.

The guidelines also asked outlets of catering firms and canteens of government units and institutes to place dining tables at an interval of at least 1 meter.


指引要求,餐饮服务单位要在店内外候餐区(waiting area)、取餐区(serving area)、结账区(cashier desk)划设“一米线”,严格控制排队就餐人流密度,提倡使用二维码扫码点餐、结账(use QR codes for placing orders and paying bills)。餐饮服务单位要安排专门人员对就餐人员检测体温,体温正常方可进入餐厅就餐。

指引还要求,内部食堂应采用分时段错峰就餐等服务方式。餐饮服务单位要全面推行公筷公勺(serving chopsticks and spoons),有条件的餐厅要积极推广分餐制(serving of individual dishes)。

在就餐环境方面,指引明确提出,餐厅对于顾客接触多的桌面、门把手、水龙头、走廊、电梯、扶手、洗手间等部位及时清洁消毒(timely disinfection of tables, doorknobs, faucets, doorways, handrails and restrooms that are regularly touched by customers)。

餐具、饮具和盛放直接入口食品的容器,使用前必须清洁消毒,做到“一客一用一消毒(disinfection after each serving)”。厨余垃圾加盖、分类及时清理。


  • 厨余垃圾
    kitchen waste
  • 垃圾分类
    garbage sorting
  • 外卖服务
    takeout service
  • 堂食
    eat in