英语热词 | “中韩应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控合作机制”英语怎么说?


China-ROK cooperation mechanism on joint prevention and control of COVID-19

Epidemics know no borders, and all countries worldwide are part of a community with a shared future. The Chinese government and people empathize with the South Korean side in its struggle against the epidemic and related difficulties. China will continue to provide as much assistance as it can to support South Korea 's fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, and the Chinese side stands ready to join hands with the South Korean side to win the fight against the epidemic at an early date.

China and South Korea have established a joint prevention and control mechanism on coping with the novel coronavirus and held their first video conference on Friday. The mechanism aims to implement the important consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries, strengthen communication and coordination in order to win the battle against the virus at an early date.



  • 全球公共卫生安全
    global public health security
  • 抗疫国际合作
    international cooperation on fighting the COVID-19 outbreak