关于事物状态的词汇 The condition things are in


Most of the things around us are not in perfect condition(状况良好,完好无损). They're in some way defective, flawed or damaged(有瑕疵的,有缺陷的,损坏的). Here is an undiscovered masterpiece by singer-songwriter Dod Billion to help you with the vocabulary on this subject.

Musci and lyrics by Dod Billion

Our toothpaste tube is leaking, 漏泄
My razor blades are blunt. 钝,不锋利
The hot tap keeps on squeaking 吱吱叫,短促地尖叫
And the cold one's back to front. 前后颠倒
The bathroom door won't lock 锁不上
And the windows are all stuck. 动不了的,被卡住的
The water-pipes are blocked 堵塞
And the basin's full of muck. 污物,湿粪,秽物


I don't know what to do
Without you.
I don't know how to do it.
Without you it's
Just impossible Blues.

All our food's gone stale 变陈旧,变得不新鲜
And the fruit's all squashed. 压碎,压扁的
THe dishwasher's failed
So the plates are unwashed.
The kichen table's split 分裂,裂开
And the saucers are all chipped, 有缺口的,用碎片组成的
And the curtains are twisted 扭,搓,缠绕
And the table-cloth is ripped. 扯破,撕坏

All our records are scratched, 擦,刮,搔痕, 乱写乱画
One or two have been smashed, 打碎,捣烂
All our glasses are cracked, 破裂,崩溃
And my homemade beer's flat. 没气了
The cutlery is tarnished 失去光泽,变暗
The liquidiser's faulty, (设备)有毛病,有故障的
The shelves are still unvarnished, 未涂漆的,无装饰的,无掩饰的
They're beginning to warp, you see. 弯曲,变形

And the woodwork is rotten, 腐烂
And the metalwork's rusty. 生锈
Believe me, I've forgotten
What it's like under the dust.
The car doesn't go,
It just splutters and jerks, 发出噼啪的声音和猝然一动
And the battery's very low
So the lights don't work.

The windscreen is shattered 打碎
And the bodywork is dented. 产生凹痕
The seats are in tatters 破烂不堪,坍塌的
And the steering-wheel' bent. 弯曲

My favourite white shirt
Is marked and stained玷污,染色
You can't see it for dirt
And the dirt's ingrained. 根深蒂固的,彻头彻尾的,生染的
My socks have got holes in them,
And most of them are torn. 撕,扯裂,破损
My shoes have got no soles on them, 没有鞋底
The heels are badly worn.
My trousers are creased 起折痕,弄皱
And my jackey is faded. 褪色
It's covered in grease; 覆盖着油脂
And I feel so jaded. 厌倦的,精疲力竭的,迟钝的

(Extra verse)

My life's in a mess 乱糟糟,凌乱无序
It's all twisted and tangled.
I feel so depressed 情绪低落的,沮丧的
As if I'd been mangled. 碾压,乱砍
I'm absolutely shattered. 破碎的,极度疲劳的,心烦意乱的
I feel so beaten and battered. 受尽折磨,经历太多的波折
My dreams are in tatters;
The only thing that matters