英语热词 | 2020年5月北京周报微博时事英语汇总


美国警察暴力执法致非裔市民死亡 引发抗议及骚乱

  • 跪压其喉部
    hold him down with a knee on his neck
  • (示威人群)纵火、洗劫商场
    fires burning and businesses looted
  • 紧急状态
    a state of emergency
  • 出动州国民警卫队维持秩序
    activate Minnesota National Guard to restore order


  • 表决通过了《中华人民共和国民法典》以及关于建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制的决定
    adopt the Civil Code and a decision to make national security laws for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  • 表决通过了关于政府工作报告的决议
    approve resolutions on the government work report
  • 表决通过了关于国民经济和社会发展计划的决议
    pass resolutions on the national economic and social development plans
  • 中央和地方预算
    central and local budgets
  • 全国人民代表大会
    National People's Congress
  • 最高立法机关
    top legislature
  • 人民大会堂
    Great Hall of the People


  • 将继续审理孟晚舟引渡案
    The extradition case against Meng Wanzhou can proceed.
  • (美加两国)滥用其双边引渡条约
    abuse their bilateral extradition treaty
  • 对中国公民任意采取强制措施
    arbitrarily take compulsory measures against a Chinese citizen without cause
  • 政治事件
    political incident
  • 严重侵犯中国公民的合法权益
    grossly violate the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese citizen


  • 闭幕会
    closing meeting
  • 提案
  • 政治决议
    political resolution
  • 中国式民主
    Chinese-style democracy
  • 防止和克服形式主义、官僚主义
    prevent any sort of formalism and bureaucracy
  • 视频会议
    video conference
  • 发表讲话
    deliver a speech
  • 中国人民政治协商会议
    Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference


  • 5月27日,珠穆朗玛峰终于迎来了盼了28天的首批登顶者。
    On May 27, Mount Qomolangma welcomed its first summiters of the season after 28 days of anticipation.
  • 4月30日,2020珠峰高程测量正式启动。
    China launched a new round of measurement of its height on April 30.
  • 这是我国专业测绘人员首次登珠峰测高。
    It is the first time for professional surveyors in the country to climb the summit of the mountain.
  • 中国北斗卫星导航系统第一次应用于高程测量。
    China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) to be applied to elevation survey.

港媒:赌王#何鸿燊逝世# 享年98岁

  • 何鸿燊
    Stanley Ho Hung-sun
  • 澳门赌王
    Macao gambling tycoon
  • 2018年6月辞去澳门博彩控股有限公司主席职务
    retired from his positions as Chairman of Macao's gaming operator SJM Holdings in June 2018

延伸阅读:热词速递 | 98岁赌王捐赠圆明园马首


  • 2019年11月11日,路透社记者拍下了杨学志满身是血的照片。
    On Nov 11 last year, Yang Xuezhi was captured as the bloodied victim in a picture by Reuters photographer.
  • 社会暴动
    social unrest
  • 暴徒
    rampaging rioters
  • 铁锤上沾满了这位27岁(男子)的血迹
    hammer stained with the blood of the 27-year-old
  • 在深圳市做修理手机的小生意
    run a small business repairing mobile phones in Shenzhen
  • 普利策奖
    Pulitzer Prize

#全国两会#王毅谈台湾问题:两岸实现统一是历史必然趋势 任何人任何势力都不可能阻挡

  • 丢掉不切实际的幻想,放下国内政治的算计
    ditch illusions and political calculations
  • 不要试图挑战中国的底线
    not to make any attempt to challenge China's red line
  • 内政
    internal affair
  • 国际社会的普遍共识
    international consensus
  • 以防疫合作为幌子
    disguised as health cooperation
  • 与台湾当局开展官方往来
    official interactions with Taiwan authorities
  • 违反一个中国原则
    violation of the one-China principle
  • 两岸实现统一是历史必然趋势。
    The reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is a trend of history.
  • 任何人任何势力都不可能阻挡。
    No individual or force can stop it from happening.


  • 建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制的决定(草案)
    a draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security
  • 坚定不移并全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针
    firmly implement the principles of "one country, two systems," "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong," a high degree of autonomy
  • 自行立法禁止任何叛国、分裂国家、煽动叛乱、颠覆中央人民政府及窃取国家机密的行为
    enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets
  • 禁止外国的政治性组织或团体在香港特别行政区进行政治活动
    prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the HKSAR
  • 禁止香港特别行政区的政治性组织或团体与外国的政治性组织或团体建立联系
    prohibit political organizations or bodies of the HKSAR from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies

#全国两会#十三届全国人大三次会议开幕 因全球疫情和经贸形势未明朗 没有提出全年经济增速具体目标

  • 脱贫攻坚
    win the battle against poverty
  • 保持经济基本面稳定
    keep the fundamentals of the economy stable
  • 稳就业
    stabilize employment
  • 城镇失业率
    urban unemployment rate
  • 全球经济衰退
    global economic recessions
  • 我们没有提出全年经济增速具体目标,主要因为全球疫情和经贸形势不确定性很大,我国发展面临一些难以预料的影响因素。
    We have not set a specific target for economic growth this year. This is because our country will face some factors that are difficult to predict in its development due to the great uncertainty regarding the covid-19 pandemic and the world economic and trade environment.

#全国两会#全国政协十三届三次会议今日15时开幕 会期比原计划缩短4天半

  • 比原计划缩短
    shorter than previously planned
  • 社会经济发展
    socioeconomic development
  • 增长目标
    growth target
  • 改善民生
    improve people’s livelihoods
  • 摆脱绝对贫困
    shake off absolute poverty
  • 全面对外开放
    all-around opening-up
  • 数字基建
    digital infrastructure
  • 应对复杂多变的国际形势
    respond to the complex and changing international situation
  • 抗疫
    combat the pandemic
  • 站在中国的对立面
    take a confrontational stance against China
  • 对经济活动造成巨大影响
    deal a huge blow to economic activity


  • 民法典草案
    draft civil code
  • 离婚冷静期
    a cooling-off period before divorce
  • 申请离婚
    file for divorce
  • 家庭暴力
    domestic violence
  • 最终审议
    final deliberation
  • 人格权
    personality rights
  • 私密空间
    private spaces
  • 以人为本
  • 法治
    the rule of law


  • 两会
    two sessions
  • 因新冠肺炎疫情推迟
    postponed due to the COVID-19 epidemic
  • 抵御风险
    ward off risks
  • 公共健康
    public health
  • 审议通过
    deliberation and approval
  • 政府工作报告
    government work report
  • 逆周期措施
    counter-cyclical measures
  • 脱贫
    poverty eradication
  • 全面建设小康社会
    build a moderately prosperous society in all respects
  • 返贫
    return to poverty
  • 财政赤字
    fiscal deficit
  • 大规模失业
    massive lay-offs
  • 民法典草案
    draft civil code


  • 因身体健康原因意外去世
    die unexpectedly of health reasons
  • 初步判断
    preliminary judgment
  • 具体还需进一步核实。
    The details need to be further confirmed.
  • 深切哀悼
    deepest condolences

#武汉全面筛查无症状感染者#:前期已完成300多万人次检测 进一步扩大范围

  • 对全部市民开展大规模检测
    mass testing covering the city’s entire population
  • 指定区域
    designated areas
  • 核酸检测
    nucleic acid tests
  • 本地传播
    locally transmitted
  • 无症状感染病例
    asymptomatic cases
  • 人口密集居住区
    densely populated neighborhoods
  • 解除出行限制
    lift travel restrictions
  • 流动人口
    mobile populations
  • 流行病学调查
    epidemiologic survey


  • 制裁中国
    impose sanctions on China
  • 妄图向中方推卸自身抗疫不力的责任
    an attempt to hide the incompetence in fighting the pandemic by blaming China
  • 搞有罪推定式的调查
    carry out an investigation with a presumption of guilt
  • 本着公开、透明、负责任态度
    in an open, transparent and responsible manner
  • 转移视线、转嫁责任
    deflect attention and shift the blame
  • 国家安全
    national security
  • 不符合经济规律
    incompatible with the laws of economics
  • 错失机遇
    miss out on opportunities
  • 全球化时代各国利益深度交融。
    The interests of all countries are closely intertwined in the era of globalization.
  • 资本市场
    capital market


  • 本土传播病例
    domestically transmitted cases
  • 流行病学调查
    epidemiological investigation
  • 聚集性感染
    cluster infections
  • 放松警惕
    decline in vigilance
  • 抗疫工作
    anti-epidemic work
  • 封锁措施
    lockdown measures
  • 追踪密切接触者
    trace close contacts
  • 县级市
    a county-level city


  • 医疗救助队
    medical aid team
  • 对工作环境进行消毒
    disinfect the working environment
  • 地震中的幸存者
    survivors of the earthquake
  • 奋战在一线
    fight on the front line
  • 不负重托
    prove worthy of the great trust
  • 秉承优良传统
    pass on the fine traditions
  • 发扬人道主义精神
    promote the humanitarian spirit
  • 激励机制
    incentive mechanisms


  • 遏制新冠疫情
    contain the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 虚假信息
    fabricated information
  • 保持社交距离
    social distancing
  • 封城
    lock down the city
  • 应急响应
    emergency response
  • 切断传播链
    break the chain of transmission
  • 防止感染人群和疑似病例接触
    prevent contact between infectious and susceptible people
  • 为全世界争取了应对疫情的时间
    buy the world time to respond to the pandemic
  • 学术期刊
    academic journals


  • 珠穆朗玛峰的测量和科学探索
    measurement and scientific exploration of Mount Qomolangma
  • 冰川检测及生态保护
    glacier monitoring and ecological protection
  • 世界屋脊
    Roof of the World
  • 一手资料
    first-hand information
  • 天文观测
    astronomical survey


  • 太空3D打印技术
    space-based 3D printing technology
  • 新一代载人飞船
    new-generation manned spacecraft
  • 碳纤维增强复合材料
    carbon fiber-reinforced composites
  • 自动打印物体
    autonomously print objects
  • 微重力
  • 蜂巢形结构
    honeycomb-shaped structure
  • 把小型卫星送入轨道
    put miniaturized satellites into orbit
  • 近地轨道
    low-Earth orbit
  • 首飞
    maiden flight


  • 日常生活和商业活动逐渐步入正轨
    embark on a steady path to normalcy in daily life and business activity
  • 限流
    limits on attendance
  • 预约
    advanced reservation
  • 通过保持社交距离和严格遵守政府发布的健康防护措施,控制客流量
    control guest density using social distancing and strict, government-required health and prevention procedures
  • 刺激消费的活动
    consumption-boosting events
  • 重振劳动力市场
    reinvigorate the labor market


  • 病毒在自然中进化,然后跨越物种传播。
    The virus evolved in nature and then jumped species.
  • 病毒不可能是人造的或被故意操纵。
    The virus could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.
  • 降低感染率
    blunt the infection rate
  • 免疫反应
    immune response
  • 循环论证
    circular argument


  • 青年最富有朝气,最富有梦想,是未来的领导者和建设者。
    Filled with vigor and full of dreams, young people are the leaders and creators of the future.
  • 坚定理想信念
    hold firm convictions
  • 站稳人民立场
    stick to the people’s stance
  • 练就过硬本领,投身强国伟业
    develop genuine skills to devote themselves to the cause of building a great country
  • 新时代中国青年要继承和发扬五四精神。
    Young Chinese should inherit and give play to the May Fourth spirit in the new era.