英语口语 | “滥竽充数”英语怎么说?


滥竽充数”,汉语成语,意思是不会吹竽的人混在会吹竽的队伍里充数(pretend to play the Yu [a wind instrument] in order to make up the number for an orchestra)。比喻无本领的冒充有本领,次货冒充好货(to be there just to make up the number [used of incompetent people or inferior goods])。

  • 我不会唱歌, 我在这儿只是滥竽充数。
    I am not good at singing. I'm here just to make up the number.
  • 宁可虚位以待,也不要让不称职的人滥竽充数。
    We'd rather leave the place vacant than have someone incompetent fill the position.