英语习语 | 表达个人感受的英语习语汇总


Yesterday I got up on the wrong side of the bed. I'd been feeling down in the dumps since I quit my job.

At first, I enjoyed advertising. I worked hard and I loved it. Then I changed companies.


My new boss began to drive me up the wall. She was always blowing hot and cold about my project proposals. One minute she was positive. The next minute she wasn't interested. I was on edge all the time. It was time for something new. My heart just wasn't in it anymore. So I quit and applied to work overseas as a volunteer.

After beakfast I went to check the mail. There are a big envelope on the floor. That was a sight for sore eyes! I opened it. I got a job in Africa! I'm going to teach in Africa for two years! Suddenly, I was walking on air!


  • get up on the wrong side of the bed 心情不佳;起床下错边
  • down in the dumps 垂头丧气;情绪低落,心情跌入谷底
  • drive me up the wall 让我发疯
  • blowing hot and cold 翻云覆雨,反复无常(来源于一则伊索寓言,讲有个人冬天跟森林之神一起吃饭,先是在手上哈气取暖,后来又吹气让热汤凉下来,森林之神因此跟他断绝了关系,认为他反复无常,一会儿嫌冷一会儿嫌热。)
  • on edge 紧张不安
  • My heart just wasn't in it 心不在焉
  • a sight for sore eyes 佳客,珍品,愿见的人或物; 受欢迎的人
  • walk on air 洋洋得意;飘飘然