职场性别歧视:女生被要求穿裙子上班 | Discrimination Case


性别歧视:女生被要求穿裙子上班 Discrimination Case
Erin Sandilands was following her work dress code, but she was told to wear a skirt and makeup so she would be “easy on the eyes”(悦目的,好看的) for customers. 艾琳德伦按照她的工作着装标准穿着打扮,但是公司却让她穿裙子和化妆上班,这样会让顾客觉得悦目好看。

Another day, another sexist remark. A teenage waitress from Glasgow, Scotland, was recently told to wear a skirt and makeup during her shift so she would be “easy on the eyes” for customers. Instead of complying, 18-year-old Erin Sandilands complained and was later informed that she was no longer needed as an employee at the restaurant.


When she was hired at Cecchini’s bistro, Sandilands was told that the dress code was simple black trousers or a skirt and a black shirt. So, when she was told by the restaurant manager to begin wearing makeup, wearing her hair loose and wearing a skirt instead of pants, she was confused, reports USA Today.


“They said I should wear a skirt and makeup and … be more feminine. They said that the punters would like that. I felt utterly humiliated and upset,” Erin told USA Today. “I argued that I was dressed smartly, but the very next day I found out I wouldn’t be getting any more shifts. It made me very angry.”

“他们说我应该穿裙子和化妆和......更女性化。他们说,投注者会喜欢这样的。我觉得及其屈辱和不安,”艾琳告诉今日美国。 “我认为我是穿得利利索索的,但就在第二天,我发现我不会得到任何更多的当班时间。这让我很生气。“

This incident didn’t just end with the loss of Sandilands’s job. She took the restaurant to court and was awarded $4,732 for the injury to her feelings and lost wages even though the restaurant owner, Anthony Cecchini, says this incident never occurred: “The allegations are untrue, and we intend to appeal this decision.”

这件事并没有以德伦失去工作而结束。她把餐厅告上法庭,并获得了$ 4,732补偿金,用来弥补她的心理损失和工资损失。尽管如此,餐馆老板安东尼·切基尼说,这件事从未发生过:“这些指控是不真实的,我们打算对裁决提出上诉。”

Unfortunately, these kinds of sexist requests in the workplace aren’t as uncommon as one might think. A woman from Edmonton, Canada, recently spoke out about a restaurant manager who required her friend to wear heels during her shift as a waitress even though the dress code simply required black, closed-toe shoes. As a result, her friend’s feet were bloodied after a long shift of working in heels, once again showing sexism still exists in the workplace.
