CATTI | 复旦大学优秀毕业生舒晓峰通过CATTI的一些感想






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其次,练笔是非常的必要,光有单词词汇只能说成功了一半,另一半就是要勤于练笔。考试时候时间比较紧,因此要熟悉一些非常常用的表达,不然考试很可能会来不及。复习资料可以非常多,例如:中高口教材(其实翻译这种东西是互通的),CATTI 考试指定教材,昂立口译资料,习题等都可以拿来练笔,过程是很辛苦甚至枯燥的,但是长期坚持,会发觉你的能力有很大的提高。









序号 题型 题量 记分 时间(分钟)
1 词汇和语法 60道选择题 60 120
2 阅读理解 30道选择题 30
3 完形填空 20空 10
总计 —— —— 100


序号 题型 题量 记分 时间(分钟)
1 翻译 英译汉 两段文章,共900单词左右。 50 180
汉译英 两段文章,共600字左右。 50
总计 —— —— 100



序号 题型 题量 记分 时间(分钟)
1 词汇和语法 60道选择题 60 120
2 阅读理解 30道选择题 30
3 完形填空 20空 10
总计 —— —— 100


序号 题型 题量 记分 时间(分钟)
1 翻译 英译汉 两段或一篇文章,600个单词左右 50 180
汉译英 一篇文章,400个单词左右 50
总计 —— —— 100


TIME 《时代周刊》

Newsweek 《新闻周刊》

Business Week 《商业周刊》

Economist 《经济学人》

China Daily 《中国日报》







The Gap Between Rich and Poor Widened in U.S. Capital

Washington D.C. ranks first among the 40 cities with the widest gap between the poor and the rich, according to a recent report released by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute on July 22nd. The top 20 percent of households in D.C. have an average yearly income of $186,830, 31 times that of the bottom 20 percent, which earns only $6,126 per year. The income gap is also big in Atlanta and Miami, but the difference is not as pronounced.

The report also indicates that the widening gap occurred mainly during the 1990s. Over the last decade, the average income of the top 20 percent of households has grown 36 percent, while the average income of the bottom 20 percent has only risen 3 percent.

“I believe the concentration of the middle- to high-income families in the D.C. area will continue, therefore, the income gap between rich and poor will be hard to bridge,” David Garrison told the Washington Observer. Garrison is a senior researcher with the Brookings Institution, specializing in the study of the social and economic policies in the greater Washington D.C. area.

The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the area’s special job opportunities, which attract high-income households. Especially since the federal government is based in Washington D.C., Government agencies and other government related businesses such as lobbying firms and government contractors constantly offer high-paying jobs, which contribute to the trend of increasing high-income households in the D.C. area. For example, a single young professional working in a law firm in D.C. can earn as much as $100,000 in his or her first year out of law school.

“In addition, high-quality housing available in Washington D.C. is one of the main reasons why high-income families choose to live here, while middle and low-income families, if they can afford it, choose to move out of Washington D.C. to the Virginia and Maryland suburbs so that their kids can go to better schools,” stated Garrison.

“As rich families continue to move into D.C. and middle and low-income families are moving out, the poorest families are left with nowhere to move, or cannot afford to move. This creates the situation we face now: a huge income gap between the rich and poor.”

The Washington D.C. area to which Garrison refers is the District of Columbia city itself, not including the greater Washington metro area. “The greater Washington metro area has a large population of about 5 million, but the low-income households are often concentrated in D.C. proper,” Garrison explained.

Tony Blalock, the spokesperson for Mayor Anthony Williams, said resignedly, “No matter what we seem to do to bring investment into the District, a certain population is not able to access the unique employment opportunities there. The gap between the rich and poor is the product of complex forces, and won’t be fixed overnight.”

Garrison believes that the D.C. government should attract high-income families. By doing so, the District’s tax base can grow, which in turn can help improve D.C.’s infrastructure. “But in the meantime, the District government should also take into consideration the rights of the poor, set up good schools for them, and provide sound social welfare. All these measures can alleviate the dire situation caused by income disparity. ”

Garrison, however, is not optimistic about the possibility of closing the gap between the rich and poor. He is particularly doubtful that current economic progress will be able to help out the poor. “Bush’s tax-cut plan did bring about this wave of economic recovery, and the working professionals and rich did benefit from it. It is unfair to say that the plan did not help the poor at all… it just didn’t benefit them as much as it did the rich, ” Garrison said. “The working class in America, those who do the simplest work, get paid the least, and dutifully pay their taxes, has not benefited from Bush’s tax-cut plan much.”

Garrison concludes, “A lot of cities in America did not enjoy the positive impact of the economic recovery. Washington D.C., on the other hand, has always been sheltered by the federal government. The wide gap between rich and poor in the District, therefore, deserves more in-depth study and exploration.”
