英语中表示“跑”的词汇 Different Ways to RUN



dash: to run or move quickly or suddenly 快速或者突然地跑或移动

e.g. She dashed to her next appointment.

race: to move very fast 非常快速地移动

e.g. We raced to be first in line.

sprint: to run a short distance very fast 在短距离内快速地跑

e.g. He was late, so he sprinted to class.

gallop: to run or move quickly 快跑或移动

e.g. The children galloped across the field.

scurry: to run with quick short steps 以快速的小脚步跑

e.g. When the boss entered the office, he scurried back to work.

scamper: to move quickly with short light steps, often playfully 以轻快小脚步快速地跑,经常是愉快地跑

e.g. The yound children scampered around the playground.

run like the wind: to run very fast (as fast as the wind) 跑得像风一样快

e.g. I like running with you, but I can't keep up, You run like the wind!